
Jayne Woodman

I am Jayne Woodman. In 2019 I set up The Menopause Team to help employers and employees establish significantly better menopause outcomes for women and organisations. Outcomes which clarify how to support menopausal colleagues, offer more menopause understanding and maintain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Many women sail through the menopause with limited life disruption. Other women need support. Regardless of age or gender, we all need more menopause understanding. I am passionate about raising awareness, empowering women and helping them positively manage their menopause journey, personally and professionally.

For over twenty years I worked for blue chip companies in the field of Human Resource Management. These days, as well as running The Menopause Team, I am a university lecturer and a career coach for women in mid-life .

Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the UK workforce. However, the menopause is not just a female issue, it is an issue for all of us, regardless of gender. Best practice organisations understand that raising awareness of the menopause helps female employees feel supported and be better able to thrive in the workplace throughout their menopause years and beyond. 

A menopause strategy, menopause policy, awareness sessions and training workshops will help empower your menopausal employees and enable their colleagues to better understand how to support them.

Regardless of size, I look forward to working with you to ensure that your organisation and your staff maintain optimum resilience going forward. Contact me to further discuss how The Menopause Team can help you.