The menopause often intersects with a critical career stage and personal life events, but many women still feel discussing the subject is taboo! Menopause symptoms can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. Fear of embarrassment can prevent women from getting the menopause support they need to develop personal resilience. Any taboo topic loses power when people begin to talk openly. We are learning to discuss race, gender, and generational differences at work, and we need to do the same with the menopause.
A positive menopause experience is one that you manage. If you don’t manage the menopause, then it will manage you! You can increase your knowledge and understanding by attending menopause awareness sessions and training workshops, this could help you personally and professionally. You might also wish to engage with individual coaching to further explore your own mid-life experience and how to best manage it.
Gain empowerment through menopause knowledge and manage your menopause for a positive mid-life experience. Proactivity will lead to a much more fruitful rest of life experience where there is joy and adventure to be had!
Other menopause management options include:
Mindfulness for Menopause
Mindfulness based interventions have a robust efficacy in both physical and psychological conditions. The British Menopause Society (September 2019) indicates that current available evidence supports the hypothesis that mindfulness-based interventions could aid psychological adjustment during the menopause transition. Email The Menopause Team for more information.
Walking for menopause wellbeing
Walking has helped many women deal with menopause symptoms. Women in their middle-age found that walking briskly for over 10,000 steps per day decreased the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is all great news as keeping fit is the key to positively managing the perimenopause and the menopause itself. Walking is also a great mood booster. You could begin by joining a wellbeing walk organised by The Menopause Team - email us for more information.
Mid-life Career Coaching
Mid-life Career Coaching
I am an ILM 7 trained executive coach, specialising in mid-life challenges. My aim is to ensure all professional women better understand their mid-life journey so they can positively manage the perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause transition with knowledge, understanding and confidence. Many women believe that they have to choose between their career and the challenges of mid-life, it is possible to manage both positively. I offer mid-life coaching support to women in the public, private and third sector.
Our bodies begin to change as we move through our forties and we enter peri menopause, the change is a result of a decline in our hormone levels creating symptoms and potential consequences for us, our families and our professional lives. Taking ownership and understanding why and how our bodies are changing means we can work towards a smoother transition, one where we have a positive mindset and are engaged with our health management.
My professional background is in private sector human resource management and academia; I am still a part-time university lecturer. I believe in talking openly about the menopause to support women in the workplace.
I am a chartered member of the Institute of Personnel and Development, a member of the Association for Coaching, the All Wales Coaching Network and an affiliate member of the British Menopause Society.
I work with coaching clients in person, via the telephone or on Zoom, so wherever you are and whatever your mid-life challenge please email me at The Menopause Team.
I look forward to working with you, Jayne
What People Are Saying
“Working with Jayne was excellent. Menopause awareness and training should be mandatory for all employees. It has made such a difference to our department.”
— Senior Lawyer
“I am grateful that Jayne was able educate all of my team - men and women - about the best way to approach the menopause. We are all better for it.
— SW, Public Sector Leader, Wales